Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This blog was created to help in the understanding of the blood platelet disorder, ITP Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura . Making other parents, patients and or friends and familys affected by this medical disease aware by sharing our story and the information weve gathered along the way.

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog while researching ITP.... my son had it about 5 years ago (around the age of 2) and seems to have recovered 'fully'.. It was an autoimmune reaction from the MMR vax he received shortly before. Very scary thing to have happen to a child. We noticed it when our son had visible hand prints on his arms and legs from where we would hold him....I was scared to take him out in fear of someone thinking we had beat him.. it was that bad....our doc was very ignorant and after going into the office on multiple occasions they FINALLY took a blood sample to "shut us up"... the next day the nurse called telling us to get to the hospital immediately...Very scary times!
